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The most common cause of red face

A red face is the body's normal response to strong emotions such as shame, anger, stress, or pleasure, and increased blood flow to the face. Red face is caused by the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which is part of the nervous system that functions to accelerate heart rate, constrict blood vessels, and increase blood pressure. Blushing can also be caused by certain medical conditions. A normal red face occurs when emotions arise that trigger the dilation of blood vessels in the face, so blood flow to the face increases. However, blushing can also occur due to other things that are not normal, both in the form of psychological factors and physical factors.

Diseases That Cause Red Faces

Some women may like to have a flushed face. However, if the red color on the face is too thick, it can interfere with appearance and indicates the presence of certain medical conditions. Some medical conditions that usually cause red face, namely:
  • Zits

  • Acne is the most common skin disease. Almost everyone has dealt with acne. A lot of pimples and inflammation can make a red face.
  • Rosacea

  • Red face can be caused by rosacea, which is a long-term skin disease that generally attacks the face area. This disease makes your facial skin red and difficult to remove, feels sore and stinging, and small blood vessels appear from the surface of the skin. In addition to the face, red skin can also be seen on the ears, chest and back.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis

  • Generally, seborrheic dermatitis attacks your scalp. However, this disease can also attack other body parts, such as eyebrows, nose, ears, eyelids, and chest. On the face, seborrheic dermatitis can cause red faces. This disease can be experienced by adults and babies.
  • Lupus

  • Red faces can also be caused by lupus. This autoimmune disease, which attacks the entire body, has symptoms such as muscle and joint pain, red rash shaped like a butterfly on the face (malar rash), and changes in your nails. This disease is often difficult to diagnose because the symptoms can resemble many other diseases.
  • Menopause

  • Menopause occurs when a woman's menstrual cycle ends and the production of the hormone estrogen decreases. About 80 percent of women who experience menopause will experience a hot flash, which is a sensation of heat that suddenly appears on the face and body for one to five minutes. This often causes red faces in menopausal women.
  • Drugs

  • Side effects of drugs, such as corticosteroids, calcium channel blockers, thyroid hormones, prostaglandins, rifampin, nitroglycerin, can make a red face. In some cases, the red color may be caused by histamine, a chemical that is released as an immune system reaction to a drug. Sometimes this reaction also causes itching and dizziness.

Other Causes of Red Face

As explained above, a normal red face occurs in response to an emotion. But besides that, there are also some general conditions that normally can cause red faces. Among them:
  • Food

  • Very spicy foods can turn your face red. Spicy and sour food can make the nervous system dilate blood vessels, and cause the face to appear red and sweaty. Spicy and seasoned foods that contain red chili or pepper, can make your face turn red. Foods that are seasoned with excessive amounts of MSG can also cause red faces.
  • Alcoholic beverages

  • Consuming too much alcoholic drinks can make your face red, nauseous, and dizzy. This condition occurs due to dilated blood vessels.
  • After exercising

  • When you exercise, capillaries in the face and entire body dilate and blood flow through them will increase. It aims to transfer the heat produced by the body to the surface of the skin, in order to cool the body during exercise. Someone who experiences red faces after or when exercising, usually has a lot of blood vessels in the skin in the cheeks and chin.
  • Sunburn

  • Red faces can also be caused by sunburn. When exposed to sun for too long, the skin becomes reddish and painful. After 4-7 days, the skin will peel off.
Similarly, some of the causes of red face that you could have experienced. Immediately consult a doctor, if the red face does not subside after a few weeks, many pimples that appear, other symptoms arise such as nausea or sweating, itching, dizziness, or swelling in the mouth area.
